1.    Which project was your favorite or most successful this semester? Please explain.
My clay tile was my favorite and most successful project this semester.  Even though it was very time consuming, I think I used my time wisely to create the best project to my ability. This project was different from all the other ones we did, because we got to work with clay. I liked working with the clay better than drawing, because it was easier than drawing for me.  First, we had to sketch out what we were going to draw, then we sculpted it with clay, and then we painted. I thought it was difficult to keep what you drew on paper in proportion to what we had to do with clay. Even though the paper was just a reference, I  tired my best to make it look as similar as possible, because  I was happy  with what I drew. It was also difficult to get the wings of the butterfly  as symmetrical as possible. We  had to add  texture as well. I added texture on the veins of the leaf. Next, I added value on the colors, and used different shades and tints. I added white to the orange, and a darker shade of pink to the flower. Overall, I think my turned out pretty well, and  I was happy with that I did. My favorite part was getting to work with the clay, and I think it turned out the most successful. In the future, I think there should be another project like this.

2.  Regardless of whether you liked or disliked a project, which one did you learn, grow, or developed the most from? Please explain.
This project gave me the opportunity to learn from my mistakes. I was disspaointed on how it turned out, because I messed up while spray painting. First we had to bring in a picture of us, and I chose a picture of my friend and I. We had to trace to trace it with the project, then we had to cut it out. When I traced it, I should have made sure that all the peieces were aligned up. When I cut it out, I should have taken my time more and not rushed. I think I go impatient with the cutting out part, because it very difficult to do, and I wasnt strong enough. I learned that you should take your time, and not get frustrated with what your doing. the spray painting part was where I really messed up. I didnt tape down the stencils well enough, and I used to much paint, which caused it to drip, and interfere with other parts of the picture. I decided to go back over it again, but it didn't really work out that well. I learned and developed the most from this project, because I was able to learn from my mistakes, and apply it in the future for my other projects.

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